We are professionals

We are proud to have been able to help thousands of you already


Technical Guarantor of the company

Dr Petr Novák

Dr Petr Novák

Eye surgeon, specialist in cataract, corneal and refractive surgery

“Listen to your patient. Only then have you a chance to come up with truly the best solution for his or her eyes.”

Those you will meet at our clinic

Our doctors

Dr Sylva Procházková, PhD.

Dr Sylva Procházková, PhD.

Eye surgeon, specialist in cataract and refractive surgery

“A satisfied patient is the very best review of our team’s work.”

Dr David Klečka

Dr David Klečka

Eye doctor, specialist in refractive surgery

“I only ever recommend to my patients a solution that appears most suitable and smart in the given case.”

Dr Martina Vaníčková

Dr Martina Vaníčková

Eye doctor, out-patient ophthalmology, contactologist

“Contact lenses – even in an era of laser eye surgery – are not a bad solution for some.”

We are professionals

Diplomas and certificates of our surgeons

Each and every doctor or nurse must continue to learn throughout his or her career. We acquire new information and findings on the latest ophthalmological trends through international as well as domestic congresses, from medical journals as well as the internet. In return we like to share our knowledge and expertise with our colleagues through the same media. This is the only way in which we are able to continually offer our patients THE VERY BEST FOR THEIR EYES.