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Eye Conditions

This is a refractive error of the eye whereby the eye is too long or where the optical corneal and lens thickness is too high. As a result of this disproportion, rays of light meet in front of the retina and as such.…READ ALL

This is a refractive error of the eye whereby the eye is too short or where the optical corneal and lens thickness is too low. As a result of this disproportion, rays of light meet beyond the retina and as such.…READ ALL

It is a refractive error caused by the irregular curvature of the cornea or (less often), the lens. The curvature and thereby also the refractive properties of the cornea or the pupil differ on different axis and as such.…READ ALL

It is the natural ageing process of the eye whereby the eye loses its ability to accommodate – focusing on close-up objects. This ability continually deteriorates from childhood and is manifested in the close-up point.…READ ALL

It is a functional condition that interferes with focusing usually occurring in childhood. It is most often a result of strabismus, high refractive error or anisometropia (higher dioptre difference between the two eyes).…READ ALL

It is a problem with the parallel positioning of the eyes. It is usually caused as a result of a congenital or acquired problem with the function of the muscles responsible for moving the eyes. In each patient with this.…READ ALL

Age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) is a very serious illness of the retina and is the most common cause of severe loss of eye sight in older people. In developed countries it actually is the most common.…READ ALL

This is a term used for a specific type of damage to the eye where, in essence, it is actually the optical nerve that is damaged. It is assumed that the cause of the damage is high intraocular pressure, but this need not be the only cause.…READ ALL

This is a disorder of the colour vision of the human eye. Colour blindness is caused by disfunction of the cells of the retina. It only affects a small percentage of the population and is more common in men than in women.…READ ALL

Besides the different refractive errors and vision dysfunctions, we often come across eye injury or its damage mechanically. This may range from only slight abrasions to serious injuries caused by acid burns or burns as such.…READ ALL

Experienced doctors

At our clinic you will only meet experienced specialists who love what they do and will find pleasure in helping you find the best solution for your eyes.

We care about our patients

The team at the Refractive Center Prague is primarily concerned with helping patients rediscover the pleasure of good eyesight. Rest assured knowing that you will be given the best possible care.

Mutual trust

We maintain personal long-term contact with our patients and are aware of what’s troubling them. Our patients are given the time and attention they need.