Catalina Peña Serna

QA Manager – Colombia

I’ve had to wear glasses or contacts for the past 15 years! and I had finally enough of being blind without my glasses or contacts, so, I recently decided to undergo a laser procedure to correct my myopia. I was excited, but concerned. Thankfully, I had already great recommendations from Dr. Novak at the Refractive Centre Prague, and all the recommendation were right!  All the team at Refractive Centre Prague was very professional, helpful and friendly all the time. The doctors were always kind and responsive to all of my questions and concerns. After the surgery the service didn’t change! Assistance throughout the recovery period was excellent and very professional. Being an expat in Czech Republic always makes things a little bit more difficult, especially if it is something so important as choosing the right clinic to take such crucial surgery… one thing I’d like to remark is that Refractive Centre Prague offers English speakers personal, which was very important for me! and support 24 hours after the surgery. 

Thank you for your great job!!