Radek Štěpánek

Professional tennis player - Czech Republic

I picked the Refractive Centre Prague to look after my eyesight because I trust Czech specialists and Dr Novak helped me out tremendously” says Radek Štěpánek, who found his far-sightedness to be an issue where his professional tennis career was concerned. “I had to wear contact lenses when playing and unfortunately I was prescribed the wrong sort in the USA. I had issues especially when playing beneath artificial light and on indoor tennis courts.” 

Radek also shared the fact that in tennis, eagle-sharp vision is a must. “It was only through the experience, knowledge and empathy of Dr Novak that we eventually managed to hand-pick the correct contact lenses that I found comfortable.” Back then I continuously shared my perception with him, what I mind and what works for me. We also communicated over the phone when I was overseas. Today I finally have contact lenses where I feel I am no longer handicapped”, adds Radek. He also considered laser eye surgery but having taken into consideration his high prescription and type of problem, we could not recommend that he went ahead. Radek also tried glasses but he found it difficult to phase out the frames and often suffered from headaches. Thus, suitable contact lenses are an ideal solution for him.

Although he played professional tennis for many years with several dioptres on each eye, he felt that it was not an issue.  “I guess I was used to the way I was seeing and what I was seeing, and I did not register having problems. Truth be told though that once I was thoroughly examined, Dr Novak was in awe as to how I manged to hit the tennis ball at all. When I told him that I lay professional tennis and am in the top 50 in the world, he nearly fainted.” 

We are pleased that this world-level tennis player entrusted his eyesight into our hands when he could have been in the care of any eye clinic anywhere in the world.